Don't spend more time on dating apps or buy another dating advice book until you WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW

Learn how to attract the lasting love you deserve… Without going on a million dates or getting your heart broken again and again.

(Yes, it’s really possible.)



Early Bird Special ENDS 9/15

Revealed: Happily married couple of 23 years, Dr. Lara and Johnny, have helped thousands of women attract true love with a unique approach, starting with an in-person event experience that flies in the face of "conventional" dating advice and lectures.

Early Bird Special ENDS 9/15

The Love Breakthrough Live In-Person Event Is
For You If…

  • You’re a smart, warm-hearted woman who doesn’t know why you can’t find (or keep) a good man

  • You’re tired of dud dates, crappy or downright abusive guys, situationships, and relationships that go nowhere

  • You’ve tried pretty much everything out there to find true love: therapy, dating apps, books, youtube videos, blogs, TikToks, podcasts… maybe even matchmaking or other dating services. But nothing helped you get the passionate, lasting relationship of your dreams

  • You are ready to have an AMAZING man to share life with, come home to after a long day of work, go on romantic vacations with, and finally feel cherished, loved, and respected by… but just aren’t sure how to attract him.

Early Bird Special ENDS 9/15

As Seen On

You Deserve To Find Lasting Love Without Wasting More Time!

Sure, you could lean on the idea that true love will “just happen” if you wait for it.

And sure, you could keep doing whatever you’ve been doing to look for love for the past few years or decades.

… But neither of those have gotten you a lasting relationship with a great man, right?

And let's face it... you're not getting any younger, the clock is ticking (especially if you have/want to have kids), and do you really want to risk wasting more months, years, or even decades hoping Prince Charming will magically appear?

Or do you want to SAVE yourself time, energy, and money (yes, money. Divorce costs you, moving out after a breakup costs you) by bypassing what most women go through, so you can finally have HEALTHY love sooner and with way less heartache? No more drama, no more push/pull/wondering if this guy loves you.

YES, it’s possible. We've helped thousands of women just like you do this and our clients do this with our help every single day.

Escape the Wild World of Modern Dating & Singlehood for Good

Look, I've been in your shoes. We want to help you save time, stress and heartbreak. It’s totally normal to want a committed relationship, and you deserve to have that with Mr. Right, not Mr. Right Now. And as you already know, it's the wild west out there in the dating world.

All the “gurus” out there that are preaching how to make yourself more appealing, more attractive and how to “perfect” yourself… they’re just reinforcing old stereotypes about how women have to change and fit into a box to find love.

When the reality is... you are whole and complete just as you are.

In just 2 days live and in-person with us, you'll start to discover our proven method that has helped over 3000 women just like you learn to attract the relationship they deserve.

Early Bird Special ENDS 9/15

Escape the Wild World of Modern Dating & Singlehood for Good

Look, I've been in your shoes (it's Lara writing this by the way). We want to help you save time, stress and heartbreak. It’s totally normal to want a committed relationship, and you deserve to have that with Mr. Right, not Mr. Right Now. And as you already know, it's the wild west out there in the dating world.

All the “gurus” out there that are preaching how to make yourself more appealing, more attractive and how to “perfect” yourself… they’re just reinforcing old stereotypes about how women have to change and fit into a box to find love.

When the reality is... you are whole and complete just as you are.

In just 2 days live and in-person with us, you'll start to discover our proven method that has helped over 3000 women just like you learn to attract the relationship they deserve.

Early Bird Special ENDS 9/15

Who Are Dr. Lara & Johnny
And Why Should You Listen To Them?

Imagine a decade of being stuck in a cycle of dead-end relationships, crappy guys, and never feeling truly loved, respected or appreciated by men.

This is where Dr. Lara found herself, before she had a breakthrough and realized she needed to do something TOTALLY different in her love life so she could have a totally different outcome.

She didn’t know it at the time, but the way she attracted her soulmate Johnny would become the basis for the method that has since helped countless single professional women just like her to find true love too.

Eventually, she combined her own experience, her understanding of neuroscience and human behavior, and Johnny’s background in education and curriculum creation to develop the 3D True Love Method™.

Together, Dr. Lara & Johnny have spent the last 19 years teaching this method to thousands of women worldwide, and updating it as the dating landscape changes. This system has helped countless women from all walks of life to finally find the love they deserve… Why not join them?

Secure your spot for only $97 right now during our limited-time Early Bird Special.

Early Bird Special ENDS 9/15

Who Are Dr. Lara & Johnny And Why Should You Listen To Them?

Imagine a decade of being stuck in a cycle of dead-end relationships, crappy guys, and never feeling truly loved, respected or appreciated by men.

This is where Dr. Lara found herself, before she had a breakthrough and realized she needed to do something TOTALLY different in her love life so she could have a totally different outcome.

She didn’t know it at the time, but the way she attracted her soulmate Johnny would become the basis for the method that has since helped countless single professional women just like her to find true love too.

Eventually, she combined her own experience, her understanding of neuroscience and human behavior, and Johnny’s background in education and curriculum creation to develop the 3D True Love Method™.

Together, Dr. Lara & Johnny have spent the last 19 years teaching this method to thousands of women worldwide, and updating it as the dating landscape changes. This system has helped countless women from all walks of life to finally find the love they deserve… Why not join them?

Secure your spot for only $97 right now during our limited-time Early Bird Special.

Early Bird Special ENDS 9/15

Why The Love Breakthrough Live Is Different From Everything You’ve Tried Before

The best part about the Love Breakthrough Live is that it's not about surface-level tips and tricks, or using flirty text messages taught to you by someone who doesn’t know you at all– it's connecting face-to-face with us to do the inner work to eliminate your blocks to lasting love and turn around the trajectory of your love life… in just 2 days.

It's about finally getting off that soul-destroying dating hamster wheel, or overcoming your fear of getting out there in the first place. It’s about uncovering what's truly blocking you from finding the man of your dreams, and helping you step into your power as the incredible, confident woman that any man would be lucky to call his girlfriend or wife.

Across two powerful and immersive days, you'll increase your certainty, confidence and clarity in love with proven tools, exercises and experiences that you’ll remember and use for the rest of your life.

Here's Some Of What You'll Discover At Love Breakthrough Live…

  • You’ll learn the fundamentals of our proven 3D True Love Method™ for attracting lasting love

  • How to clear your unconscious internal blocks to true love so you can stop wasting your time with crappy guys and finally attract a healthy, committed relationship

  • Learn to RADIATE an energy that is effortlessly attractive to good men

  • How to break free of the experiences & circumstances that programmed you for a mediocre love life– and learn the surprising truth about HOW you were programmed this way in the first place.

  • Raise your standards and expectations so you’re attracted and attractive to better men

  • How to balance professional success with personal success, once and for all- without burning out or short-changing yourself or your passions. And make yourself even MORE magnetic to your true love in the process.

  • Learn the importance of applying the 4-step decision-making framework that makes finding the right man EASY and FUN (Yes, dating can be fun again!)

  • And more…

General Admission $299

Today for $97

Early Bird Special ENDS 9/15

Early Bird Special ENDS 9/15

You'll walk away standing in your feminine power and your resolve that you CAN have love, you deserve love, and you WILL attract the right man for you.

Julie Y., Nurse, California

“What a journey it has been… I learned to love myself and more importantly, what that meant and how to do that.

I’ve known Johnny & Lara for years now and their dedication to helping women heal and go for their best life is unparalleled!

Without Johnny and Lara’s guidance, I would not be sitting here with my soulmate by my side.”

[P.S. – Johnny & Lara officiated the wedding!]


Cristela S., Police Officer, California

“I married the man of my dreams!!

Thank you! Working with you has been instrumental to the woman I am today. I was able to heal through past traumas and learn to embrace my feminine radiance.

I am so grateful for Bobby. He has consistently shown up in such a healthy masculine way.

We got married this past weekend. I am forever thankful to you both! With love and blessings,


Kate C., Aesthetician, Colorado

“Johnny and Lara taught me to love where I was in the process and be kind to myself. I am so happy to have met my guy, he treats me with such respect! I can’t wait to continue our lives together. I’m so grateful for this life and man to share it with. Thank you both for your invaluable lessons, guidance, & support in my journey!”

[Kate and her soulmate Brad are now married and have a baby boy!]


Deborah F., Librarian Administrator, Michigan

“After deciding to work with Johnny and Lara, I truly learned to love myself, find clarity, let go of my fears, and see that all I sought in life and love was possible. I was finally putting myself as a priority for the first time in my life and set LOVE at the top of the list... and found it! I am so grateful and appreciative for the love, support and encouragement of Johnny and Lara. I believe working with them was the best investment I ever made in myself and my soulmate Adam agrees wholeheartedly.”

[P.S. – Johnny & Lara officiated the wedding!]


Alison C., Teacher, California

“I am beyond grateful for Johnny & Lara. Working with them transformed my entire life and was hands down the best decision, and investment of time, energy, and money, that I ever made.

I had spent decades on therapy, counseling and self help books, but the core belief I had that I wasn’t enough never shifted. Working with Johnny and Lara is the first time EVER that I shifted that belief… It was a complete 180, permanent shift.

And best of all, following their coaching led me to the man of my dreams!

I have never been this happy and I will always be forever grateful. I cannot recommend them enough, they will truly change your life for the best.”  

Juliana N., Medical Doctor, Georgia

“I married my soulmate! I totally and wholeheartedly recommend this to the women who wish to step up and take their lives to a higher plane of spiritual existence. I gleaned courage and hope from you. You gave me tools and principles that I can use over and over, no matter what occurs. I am eternally grateful to you both, and your wonderful team, for all the belief you instilled in us for what’s possible, and the love you gave us when we felt defeated. Thanks again for your love and support.”  

LP, Healthcare Administrator, New England

“I’ve done a lot of personal development work over the years, but studying with Johnny and Lara has, by far, yielded the most amazing results.

I learned a whole new level about what it means to love myself and love others. I learned how to fully prioritize myself and my marriage; we are thriving!

Their teachings, tools, principles, coaching and supportive community are priceless and instrumental in moving my life forward.

I’ve been loved and supported in so many ways and on so many levels!

Thank you Johnny and Lara and the whole Love Warrior community!”


Yvonne C., Florida- District Manager

“It’s with great joy and excitement that I let you know I said ‘YES’ to the love of my life when he proposed to me.

I dreamed of this day. Thanks to all of your coaching as well as strengthening my relationship with God, I was able to apply the principles I learned about self-love and magnetizing the love of my life.

TI feel loved and cherished by him. I hope this inspires others on this journey not to give up. To continue investing in themselves and doing the inner work.

Thank you for your hard work and dedication to soulmate love. Yay!!!!! We did it!!!!!”


Marissa A-B., Manager, Toronto, Canada

“O M Geeeee… I’m a testimonial?!?! I prayed that my story would turn out this way!!

I want to tell anyone who will listen – be coachable, ladies … it will bring him faster… savour that waiting and trust that he is sooooooo worth the wait!!!

It will be better and more life changing that you can possibly imagine right now!

Thank you – a million times over – and forever!!”


A complete 180 PERMANENT shift to her core beliefs about herself and what she could have in her life.

And if they can do it,

Early Bird Special ENDS 9/15

Early Bird Special ENDS 9/15

Your ticket to the Love Breakthrough Live Event is backed by our 100% money-back guarantee. If you attend all of the first day and don't feel confident that this event will change your love life, simply hand in your materials and ask for a full refund - no hard feelings.

The Path To Lasting Love That Has The Potential
To Change Your Life

At this live in-person event, you’re going to discover an approach to finding love that has the potential to change your whole life.

This isn’t about getting guys to swipe right on your online dating profile. Or getting guys to ask for your number. Or kissing 100 frogs in hopes of finding your Prince Charming.

This is about YOU, learning and applying the strategy I (Lara) PERSONALLY used to figure out why I wasn’t finding my guy, remove what was blocking me from attracting him, and then actually getting the man of my dreams.

And we’ve been updating this strategy constantly to make sure we’re adapting it to the changing world around us.

Best of all…

You can use this method even if you’ve been through divorce, had one or two or many relationships that ended badly, done things you’re not proud of, or aren’t (yet) 100% confident in your ability to find love.

That doesn’t matter.

What matters is that you are open to a new approach and are willing to jump into this event ready to transform your life.

If that’s you, go ahead and grab your ticket now.

We’ll see you soon!

Early Bird Special ENDS 9/15

Register today, and you’ll also get access to

Free Bonus Gift #1:

The Imperfectly Perfectly Lovable MASTERCLASS

In this audio masterclass, we not only explain why and how hidden (or not) perfectionist tendencies can delay and block your growth and push away the man of your dreams, but you’ll learn exactly how to combat the trap of perfectionism. Perfectionism can leave you exhausted and with little or no time to take care of yourself- if you’re ready for that to change quickly, then you’ll want to take advantage of this and learn how to feel imperfectly perfectly lovable. You’ll get this bonus right when you sign up!

Free Bonus Gift #2:

7 Ways Women Over 30 Sabotage Love And How To Avoid Them

In this transformative e-book, you'll learn the 7 surprising ways single women over 30 sabotage their love lives, and how you might unknowingly be doing it too. These sneaky habits can leave you feeling frustrated, disheartened, and wondering if you'll ever find the right man for you. This guide is the perfect way to take the first steps toward breaking free from self sabotage… so you can finally attract the man you want, and keep him. You’ll get this bonus closer to the event or at the event.

Your ticket to the Love Breakthrough Live Event is backed by our 100% money-back guarantee. If you attend all of the first day and don't feel confident that this event will change your love life, simply hand in your materials and ask for a full refund - no hard feelings.

About The Event


Saturday, October 19 - Sunday, October 20


You might or might not want to rent a car- depending on what your plans are. It’s easy to Uber/Lyft around town to save time & money on parking. However, if you’re staying for longer than the event or wanting to explore Scottsdale more freely, renting a car is a good option.


When you register, you’ll get a confirmation email with private contact info for Anna, your Event Concierge, and this information:

- Hotel room block info, so you can easily make your hotel reservation online at the great rate we’ve negotiated for you: $169/night!

- An easy add-to-calendar link so you can add the event dates to your iCal or Google Calendar.

- More important info about how you can get the most out of the event!


We’re jumping right into the good stuff! Here’s just some of what we’ll get into on Day 1:

- Discover The TOP 4 Blocks keeping you from your soulmate and begin to clear them away forever!

- Experience powerful neuroscience based exercises and tools to shift your beliefs around yourself, men, and love

- Learn the fundamentals of our 3D True Love Method, which will change your approach to love and relationships for the better

- Start to transform your energy so that you feel confident, at peace, and magnetic to your soulmate

Day 1 was just the beginning of the transformation. Here’s some of what we’ll do on Day 2:

- Deepen your understanding of the 3D True Love Method and learn how to apply it to your life now

- Continue to clear your Top 4 Blocks to true love for good- and learn how to avoid getting blocked again

- You’ll be shocked + electrified by our fun unique process to kick old exes and the baggage they come with for good!

- Access a powerful and totally new Game Plan that will up-level your love life + entire life… fast!


The hotel is in a very friendly, safe neighborhood, and Scottsdale is lovely in the fall! There’s the gorgeous McDowell Mountains, shopping, restaurants, and more, all close to the hotel– so you’ll be able to grab dinner at a nice place nearby after each day of the event!

The hotels we choose for our live events are always picked based on not only the hotel itself, but the area around it, so we can ensure a safe and fun experience for everyone, in and out of the event room.

Early Bird Special ENDS 9/15

One Final Word

  • You're waking up every morning next to the man of your dreams, feeling deeply loved, secure, cherished, and supported.

  • You're planning your next romantic trip together, excited to create new memories and have a ton of fun exploring a new place together.

  • You're experiencing a level of passion, connection, and fulfillment in your relationship that you never knew was possible.

  • You're finally living the life of your dreams with your man by your side, a man who truly sees you, is crazy about you, and wants to build a life with you.

This IS possible for you. But it just WON’T happen if you let fear, discouragement, and even hopelessness take over and hold you back from doing anything differently.

You know the shallow, contradictory tips you’ll see in a dating advice book, a YouTube video, an Instagram reel, or a random blog article written by someone who doesn’t know you or your life?

Yeah. That’s the conventional “wisdom” that’s out there. And conventional wisdom gets you conventional results. Aaaand how many people do you know and see out in the world, in the media, in life that are truly HAPPY with their love life? In a thriving, lasting, passionate, HEALTHY relationship?

Not too many, right?

And the conventional wisdom hasn’t exactly served you right in your love life either… because here you are, still alone and wishing you weren’t.

So if you don’t want those conventional results, you have to REBEL against that conventional approach and do something totally DIFFERENT.

It’s time to take a leap of faith and try something new to you, but proven to work by thousands of women just like you.

The next chapter of your life starts right here and right now.

To your soulmate success,

Dr Lara & Johnny

Early Bird Special ENDS 9/15

Your ticket to the Love Breakthrough Live Event is backed by our 100% money-back guarantee. If you attend all of the first day and don't feel confident that this event will change your love life, simply hand in your materials and ask for a full refund - no hard feelings.

The next chapter of your life starts right here and right now.

To your soulmate success,

Dr Lara & Johnny

Early Bird Special ENDS 9/15

Your ticket to the Love Breakthrough Live Event is backed by our 100% money-back guarantee. If you attend all of the first day and don't feel confident that this event will change your love life, simply hand in your materials and ask for a full refund - no hard feelings.

About The Hotel:


Hyatt House North Scottsdale

18513 N Scottsdale Rd

Scottsdale, AZ 85255

It’s a very easy, 25-minute Uber/Lyft drive from the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport to the hotel.

This is a beautiful hotel with a pool, restaurant, fitness center, and more–

so you’ll be well taken care of here. Just relax and enjoy your experience!

Early Bird Special ENDS 9/15

This is an educational event only. OUR GOAL is to educate you so YOU CAN AVOID the traps of “conventional wisdom” that many women fall into when looking for love, and instead attract the man of your dreams without anxiety or fear. At the end of the event, if you feel that we are a worthy mentor and coach, we will offer a range of our educational services to assist you on your love life journey.

The choice to expand your knowledge on dating, mating, and relating further with these optional services will always be yours.

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